Product metadata

This section describes various metadata that may be available for products.

Metadata availability and contents may vary depending on the product type. At the moment several types of metadata may be available:

metadata.externalIds — product ids in external sources

External ids metadata may contain these fields:

Name Description Count
externalIds.amazonAsin Amazon Standard Identification Number, string. 1 227 617 (2% of products)

An example of external ids metadata:

    // ...
    "product": {
        "metadata": {
            "externalIds": {
                "amazonAsin": "AMAZONASIN"

metadata.generic — generic metadata

Generic metadata may contain these fields:

Name Description Count
generic.ingredients Product ingredients or materials. See Product ingredients for detailed information. 5 533 872 (9% of products)
generic.contributors Product contributors (book authors, musicCD performers, etc.), a list of objects. Each contributor object has following attributes:
  • names — "lang" → "contributor name / title" mapping,
  • type — contributor type, string, one of the following:
    • author — book author,
    • narrator — audio book narrator,
    • artist — artist (for music recordings: composer / musician etc.),
    • music_group — music group / band,
    • choir — choir / chorus / large vocal ensemble,
    • orchestra — large instrumental ensemble.
10 970 209 (18% of products)
generic.weight Product weight information, a list of objects:
        "type": "net",    // One of values: ["net", "gross", "unknown"]
        "value": 150.0,   // Weight value, float
        "unit": "grams"   // Weight unit, one of values: ["grams"]
    // ...
3 404 413 (5% of products)
generic.volume Product volume information, an object:
    "value": 100,   // Volume value, float
    "unit": "ml"   // Volume unit, one of values: ["ml"]
248 716 (0% of products)
generic.dimensions Product and packaging dimensions information, an object:
    // Product dimensions, if available
    "product": {
        // Can contain "width", "height", "depth" and / or "length" attributes
        "width": {
            "value": 9.5, // Dimension value
            "unit": "cm"  // Dimension unit (currently only "cm" are returned)
        // ...
        "depth": {
            "value": 19.5,
            "unit": "cm"
    // Packaging dimensions, if available
    "packaging": {
        // Same as product
7 246 716 (12% of products)
generic.manufacturerCode Manufacturer product code, string. 12 063 941 (19% of products)
generic.color Product color, one of strings: beige, black, blue, bronze, brown, chrome, dark_blue, gold, gray, green, ivory, khaki, light_blue, magenta_fuchsia, multi, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, transparent, white, yellow. 7 864 832 (13% of products)

An example of generic metadata:

    // ...
    "product": {
        "metadata": {
            "generic": {
                "manufacturerCode": "PRODUCT-CODE-123",
                "color": "white",
                "contributors": [
                        "names": {
                            "en": "John Smith"
                        "type": "author"
} — for food items, beverages and baby food

Food metadata may contain these fields:

Name Description Count
food.nutrimentsPer100Grams Food nutriments information, an object:
    "fatGrams": 1.0,             // Fat content, grams per 100 grams.
    "proteinsGrams": 12.0,       // Proteins content, grams per 100 grams.
    "carbohydratesGrams": 34.5,  // Carbohydrates content, grams per 100 grams.
    "energyKCal": 654.0,         // Energy value, kcal per 100 grams.
    "cholesterolMg": 10,         // Cholesterol content, milligrams per 100 grams.
    "sodiumMg": 20,              // Sodium (Na) content, milligrams per 100 grams.
    "potassiumMg": 30,           // Potassium (K) content, milligrams per 100 grams.
    "calciumMg": 40,             // Calcium (Ca) content, milligrams per 100 grams.
1 152 852 (51% of food products)
food.nutriScore Product Nutri-Score, an object:
    "score": 1,   // Nutri-Score, an integer
    "grade": "B"  // Nutri-Score letter grade (from "A" to "E")
787 287 (35% of food products)

An example of food metadata:

    // ...
    "product": {
        "metadata": {
            "food": {
                "nutrimentsPer100Grams": {
                    "fatGrams": 1.0,
                    "proteinsGrams": 12.0,
                    "carbohydratesGrams": 34.5,
                    "energyKCal": 654.0
                "nutriScore": {
                    "score": 1,
                    "grade": "B"

metadata.printBook — for print books

Print book metadata may contain these fields:

Name Description Count
printBook.numPages Number of pages in print book, integer. 7 188 377 (71% of print books)
printBook.publishedYear Book publication year, integer. 8 146 229 (81% of print books)
printBook.bisacCodes BISAC codes of a print book, list of strings. 1 243 432 (12% of print books)
printBook.bindingType Book binding type, one of strings: hardcover, paperback. 8 300 911 (82% of print books)

An example of print book metadata:

    // ...
    "product": {
        "metadata": {
            "printBook": {
                "numPages": 123,
                "publishedYear": 2021,
                "bisacCodes": ["FIC027110"],
                "bindingType": "paperback"

metadata.musicCD — for music CDs

Music CD metadata may contain these fields:

Name Description Count
musicCD.releasedYear Year of first music CD release, integer. 1 371 047 (96% of music CDs)
musicCD.numberOfDiscs Number of discs, integer. 360 347 (25% of music CDs)

An example of music CD metadata:

    // ...
    "product": {
        "metadata": {
            "musicCD": {
                "releasedYear": 1990,
                "numberOfDiscs": 1