Database statistics
Total products in database:
62 359 441
of products
have images
Top categories
- Print Books
- 10 103 454
- E-books
- 1 637 851
- Music CDs
- 1 428 129
- Shoes
- 1 117 180
- Shirts & Tops
- 664 445
Top title languages
- English
- 34 647 528
- Russian
- 12 883 529
- Dutch
- 9 377 999
- German
- 3 726 836
- French
- 1 613 119
Top metadata keys
- generic.manufacturerCode
- 12 366 307
- generic.contributors
- 10 940 545
- printBook.bindingType
- 8 303 531
- printBook.publishedYear
- 8 296 442
- generic.color
- 7 865 720