Follow these three simple steps to begin using the EAN-DB API:
Create a free account. Sign up without providing credit card details or making any payments. Upon registration, you will receive a complimentary package of 250 requests, which you can use for exploration and testing purposes.
Confirm your email address. After registering, check your email for a welcome message containing a confirmation link. Clicking this link is mandatory to enable API calls.
Obtain your JWT. Within your account area, you’ll find a JSON Web Token (JWT), that serves as an identifier for your account during API requests. You can find more information about JWTs here.
Include the JWT in the Authorization
header of each API request using the following format: Authorization: Bearer HERE_GOES_YOUR_JWT_TOKEN
Please note that the JWT is valid for one year. After that it expires and can’t be used in API requests. You can revoke your current JWT and replace it with a new one at any time in your account area. Access to the API using revoked JWT will be denied.
Now you are ready to make your first Product API request! A request like this:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer HERE_GOES_YOUR_JWT_TOKEN' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
will return you a ProductResponse
"balance": 100,
"product": {
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"barcodeDetails": {
"type": "EAN-13",
"description": "GS1 US",
"country": "us"
"titles": {
"en": "Product title",
"de": "Produktname"
"categories": [
"id": "543543",
"titles": {
"en": "Print Books"
"manufacturer": {
"id": "manufacturer-id",
"titles": {
"en": "Product manufacturer"
"wikidataId": "Q12345"
"relatedBrands": [],
"images": [
"url": ""
"metadata": {
"printBook": {
"numPages": 123
"media": {
"publicationYear": 2010
Read more about our Product API and how it is billed.
Additionally, you may find our Account API useful in certain scenarios. Find detailed information about it here.